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Senior Engineer Career Development Videos, Forum, and Q&A

How A Senior Engineer Can Grow Their Career

Senior engineers have proven themselves to be extremely capable at shipping high-quality, complex software efficiently. This collection breaks down how they operate and how you can get to this level too.

How can I scope out and vet a project idea to match senior competencies?

Mid-Level Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Mid-Level Software Engineer at Taro Community

I have been making progress towards meeting senior level competencies. My manager is aligned and wants to put me up for promo at the end of the year. However, I’m looking for a third project in Q4 to really nail down my case. Additionally, I want to provide more impact and learn how to define new initiatives. I love creating “swim lanes” for my teammates and leading projects that grow their scope. How would you recommend:

  1. Coming up with a project idea
  2. Vetting the project to make sure it has enough scope for a senior level (or staff! I would love to provide more impact)
  3. Vetting the project to make sure it has enough impact for a senior level

I have a lot of ideas for step 1, but am struggling to choose which are appropriate to pursue. Previously, I built a reusable web component at a company wide scale, and am working with a cross org team who wants to use it. I am also working on a technically complex web authentication project that has potential to be used by other teams. Both of these project were scoped by me (with some guidance from my staff mentor) and my manager has communicated they are senior level projects. I have built good relationships with my teammates, our direct stakeholders, and several cross-org engineers. I’m also exceeding expectations at my current level, so there isn’t anything to worry about there. However, I feel like I’m hitting a wall and need to figure out the next project that will turn my promo case into a slam dunk. Any advice? I’m a frontend web engineer if that helps. :)

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Need career advice for a friend who is demotivated and feels stuck in his career

Senior Software Engineer [G4] at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer [G4] at Taro Community

Context can be found below:

I am a 32-year-old engineer with 7 years of experience. For the past 5 years, I've been working at a startup that is around 10-12 years old and recently went public, serving as a mid-level backend engineer.

Despite my time at the company, I haven't seen much career growth. I received my first promotion after a year and a half, but nothing significant has happened since then. I'm feeling lost and unsure about my next steps. The work is unmotivating, and I feel like I'm not learning or growing. I'm constantly occupied with production issues, and my manager frequently cancels 1:1 meetings. Even though I receive positive feedback, I know I'm not fully utilizing my potential, which is troubling as my years of experience increase without meaningful progress.

Currently, I'm extremely demotivated and struggle to find the drive to work each day. I wake up feeling stuck and unhappy with my job. Although I get my monthly salary and perform my duties, I'm no longer passionate about my work. I have the knowledge and skills, but I just don't feel like contributing to this company anymore.

Can you help? I'm not happy with my current situation. I used to be a curious person, staying up all night coding and learning new things. However, for the past two years, I've been merely going through the motions at work. I want to regain my curiosity and sense of empowerment, so that when I go to bed each night, I feel excited about what I can achieve the next day.

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How common is leetcode/hacker rank at FAANGMULA companies and startups for initial tech screen?

Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community

How common is leetcode/hacker rank at FAANGMULA companies and startups for initial tech screen?

How common is it that there are companies that interview similar to Imbue (another YC backed company, whose technical interviewing process I posted below) and SourceGrap h where you actually instead are asked to code on the fly with your actual environment (this to me feels way more comfortable than having folks throw out random questions at me)?

Interview Process length - I've seen rounds go for 8 for some companies (for even Google non-technical a million years ago I've seen it followed a similar format without technical at least like 5 rounds. If someone can post how long their average interview rounds were (how many interviews, how many technical screens, easy to hard, and how long did it take until you got an offer / knew you were rejected - a month, 6 months etc.?). I've head so many stories ranging far and wide over the years and wonder what the average is during this market, which feels longer than a year some people, even those who were laid off at FAANGMULA companies.

Interview #1) Recruiter Reach Out, Resume Submission, and Behavioral

Interview #2) Tech Screen #1

Interview #3) Behavioral with Team Member 2 Years Your Senior / Tech Screen

Interview #4) Behavioral with Team Member that is your director/higher up manager by at least 2 levels or something / Tech Screen #2

Interview #5) Behavioral with Team Member that is your actual position (peer / Tech Screen #3)

Interview #6) Vote by Committee / Group Interview / Panel or something

Any insights into the interview process more in detail will be helpful! Thanks!

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What are the best resources (if any exist) that serve neurodivergent and ADHD tech professionals with technical interview prep?

Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community

What are the best resources (if any exist) that serve neurodivergent and ADHD tech professionals with technical interview prep?

I’m finding resources very scant and I totally bomber my DSA interview years ago leading to lots of shame I’ve had to overcome and now going back into interviewing rounds which make me anxious so looking for more general help as I also learned only in the last 6 years I also have dyscalculia (dyslexia with numbers) even though I love math (geometry, statistics - anything related to machine learning and computer graphics has always been my fav). I hate standardized tests and get super anxious under time pressure for interviews with abstract questions that aren’t practical and often times get asked in such a way that I will solve the question in reverse and give the inverse answer. I’ve worked really hard to overcome this in my work the last 8-9 years, which I’ve been fine at, but when it comes to interviews I completely crumble.

I also ask this since even though English is my first language (born and raised in Silicon Valley), coming from working class communities of color, standardized testing has been the bane of my existence (even with almost perfect GPA), I crumble when it comes to these tests and find them very biased and feel the same experience for me when it comes to DSA, where I find a lot of bias in how the question is asked, and it’ll be so confusing to me that I’ll end up responding in the reverse. I also in the past was a professional writer (usually obsess about grammar), so I don't think the issue is me not having a grasp of the language, something just isn't clicking for me with DSA, where I've often thrived instead on take home projects, or for some interviews where they lock you in a room for a few hours and tell you to build a project, or have you work on the job.

I’m trying to also figure out if I need to ask the interview more subquestions to makes sure I’m understanding the question correctly so I can respond appropriately.

Any help is appreciated.

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Recent Stripe Interview for SSE position

Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community

Hi folks, I need your help to understand if any action can be taken from my side here.

I gave Stripe interviews recently for SSE (Bangalore) and here is the feedback I received.

Round1 (LLD) - Strong yes

Round2 (Bug Squash) - No

Round3 (Integration Round) - yes

Round4 (Systems Design) - Strong yes

Round5 (Manager Round) - yes

I am aligned with this feedback except Round 2 (Bug Squash). I thought I had a strong yes in that. I was very easily able to navigate the code, find out the bug, fix it, and explain it. We were left with 15 more minutes so she gave me another bug to solve. I reached halfway on that, was able to partially figure out the bug. Didn't solve it but I think the expectation is to solve just one bug.

I have communicated the above with HR with a positive outlook.

Also, I felt that the interviewer wasn't very present and interested from the beginning so I think that the interviewer hasn't given much thought to this.

Current status: They have sent the case to the hiring committee for SSE but the HR mentioned that I might get downleveled. But I have been pretty vocal that I want to be considered for SSE only. Another factor she mentioned is I have a borderline work ex of 5.5/6 years so that might also contribute to this.

I asked the HR if I could reinterview for this round but she mentioned that's not possible and is not part of company policy.

Anything that I can do here?

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What type of team would be best for my career?

Senior Software Engineer at Justworks Labs profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Justworks Labs

Seeking Advice on Choosing the Right Team

Hello everyone,

I’m currently at a crossroads in my career and would appreciate any insights or advice. Here’s the context:


  • I work at a company that primarily deals with payroll and HR services for companies.
  • I was originally on the payroll team, which has now been absorbed into a larger payroll, taxes, and payments vertical.
  • Earlier this year, I was loaned out to help another team set up a new service and architecture.

Current Situation:

  • Our company underwent reorganization, and my old team is now part of a different department with the same manager but a different director and VP.
  • I recently spoke with my skip-level manager, who praised my work and mentioned that several teams would be happy to have me. I also have the option to stay with the team I’ve been helping recently.

Teams Available:

  1. Growth Team: Works on tools for prospective customers (estimates, self-enrollment, etc.).
  2. Accounting Firm Team: Services accountants who handle payrolls for multiple companies, focusing on admin ops tooling.
  3. Payroll Team: My old team. Not sure how things will change post-reorganization, but I had a good relationship with my manager and team.
  4. Integrations Team: Handles integrations with multiple product teams. Not too many interesting problems to solve.
  5. Leave and Absence Team: Deals with leave/work schedule-related matters (PTO, holidays, work schedule, etc.). This is the team I was loaned to recently. The new manager appreciates my work, and I get along well with the team, although they tend to work slower than I’m used to.


  • I feel a strong inclination to stay with the Leave and Absence team due to high visibility and good relationships with the current director and SVP.
  • Career growth and self-fulfillment are important factors in my decision.


  • For those of you who have had to make similar decisions, what type of team did you choose to join and why?
  • Any advice on factors to consider in making this decision?

Thank you in advance for your insights!

I hope this helps structure your thoughts and gather valuable advice from others.

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