Ask Me Anything (AMA) with a Meta and Databricks Eng Director - Ritendra Datta

Event details
Ask Me Anything (AMA) with a Meta and Databricks Eng Director - Ritendra Datta event
Event description

Ritendra Datta is a Senior Director of Engineering at Databricks.

Previously, he was the Head of FB Reels and Video Recommendations (Director of Engineering) at Meta, where he worked from 2019 - 2023. Prior to that, he was a Senior Staff Software Engineer and Tech Lead working at Google in Mountain View.

In this Ask Me Anything (AMA), Ritendra will answer all your questions about tech leadership and career growth! Some of the topics Ritendra is open to discussing:

  • IC Career Development
  • Manager Career Development
  • General Career Dilemmas
  • What do Senior Leaders Even Do?
  • How to Develop Specific Habits or Skill Sets?
  • Cross-functional Skills and Relationships
  • Asking for My Opinion on Things
  • Something Feels Off About Something
  • My Identity, Career, and Life Choices

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