Startup Employee To Startup Founder: What I Wish I Knew

Event details
Startup Employee To Startup Founder: What I Wish I Knew event
Event description

From 2013 to 2023, Tongbo Huang worked as an engineer or manager at three high-growth companies: Pinterest, Chekr, and Amplitude.

After 10 years working in startups of various sizes, Tongo decided to start his own: Sidr Tax. In the past year, Sidr Tax has surpassed 6 figures of revenue and is growing rapidly.

In this talk, Tongbo will share:

  • How he thought about taking funding (he previously went through Y Combinator) and why he decided to bootstrap for Sidr.
  • How he ended up working on a tax startup and how Shopify is fueling his growth.
  • The problem with founders today looking for "exciting" ideas.

Connect with Tongbo here: