
Maximize Your Productivity As A Software Engineer [Part 1] - How This Course Works

As a software engineer, you're expected to get a lot done with very little time. The compounding problem on top of that is how incredibly easy it is to get distracted as a digital warrior. This course is here to teach you how you can move faster and waste less time. Here are the core parts of the lesson:

  • Your instructor Alex Chiou walks you through his extensive 10+ year Silicon Valley background across top companies like Meta and Robinhood, explaining how he was able to be a high-performing tech lead at both those companies working 30-40 hours weeks (particularly at Meta).
  • You'll understand why being productive as a software engineer is so hard and why being unproductive as a software engineer is so easy.
  • We walk you through the course objectives. By the end of the course, you will:
    • 💯 Know the true most important productivity booster

    • 💡 Champion the right mentality to foster productivity

    • 🏃‍♂️ Use the right tactics to move faster

    • 🛡️ Have shields to prevent you from wasting time

    • 🤔 Learn how to debug a lack of productivity

If you want to learn how Alex onboarded at lightning speed at Robinhood, check out his in-depth case study here: [Case Study] Becoming A Tech Lead Again In Just 1 Month After Joining Robinhood From Meta