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About 1 on 1 Meetings

1 on 1 meetings are one of the most important mechanisms for any successful career in tech. As a senior engineer in particular, you will need them to build deep relationships and alignment.

Learn About 1 on 1 Meetings

1-on-1 meetings are important for building deep relationships and keeping key stakeholders in sync with the progress on a project. They can be an effective way to build deep relationships. These 1-on-1 meetings should be proactive, and they should ideally occur once a week for 30 minutes. It’s important to realize that there is a lot of value in 1-on-1 meetings because they can provide more depth of conversation than what can be provided in emails or team meetings. One has to be proactive in setting up meetings because it’s easy to wait too long to set up 1-on-1 meetings or consistently cancelling 1-on-1 meetings. The discomfort of discussing deeper, more emotional topics is where the majority of personal and professional growth happens.
It’s important to have a clear plan and agenda when having a 1-on-1 meeting with your manager. It makes the manager’s job easier, and it allows for a more focused conversation about tough topics. The purpose of the 1-on-1 meeting is to have proactive discussions where a manager and individual contributor can solve hanging threads and plan projects ahead. These meetings can be a powerful tool to discuss one’s career goals and seek alignment on solving the most pressing issues that a team faces. Managers can offer guidance, support skill development, and create a path for career advancement.
Remember that it’s important to embrace discomfort and avoid shying away from emotional topics during 1-on-1 meetings. Sharing feedback about what you’ve been doing, how you think things are going, and how you’re feeling can go a long way in building trust with the other person. It’s important to be genuine during these meetings because people are more willing to be vulnerable when they can sense that you are being vulnerable. Discussing what you liked or disliked about a project or meeting can lead to deeper conversations that can address problems from happening in the future.
1-on-1 meetings are an important part of effective management within a tech company. When they are approached with intentionality, these meetings become a necessary tool for fostering professional development, improving team dynamics, and driving overall success among individuals on a team.
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