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We all know that software engineers are highly paid. The downside here is that tech compensation can be incredibly hard to understand, filled with so many different components.

How can I find my true market value based on my various experience leading a team and performing architecture reviews?

Solutions Architect at Taro Community profile pic
Solutions Architect at Taro Community

Last 2018, I started as a mid level software engineer at my previous company. After one year, I got a chance to lead a team of 6 devs and 3 testers.

So overall, I was leading 9 head counts. The project is a rearchitect and migration to a new implementation that requires a high skill as it requires familiarity of three programming languages, namely, Go Lang, Java and NodeJS. The team members were mostly new to the technology. For my FrontEnd members, they were experienced on ReactJS but the client is using PolymerJS. For my Backend members, they are skilled at Java. None of us knew Go and NodeJS prior to that. However, we are required to learn those because Java and NodeJS are their existing implementation.

Fast forward, the project was stellar and my knowledge went exponentially compared to when I was a mid level. After that, Project Managers love me and I went on full throttle after they give me three projects at the same time. Aside from that I have organizational business contribution:

  • Mentored junior, mid-level and senior level
  • Taking technical interviews on candidate screening for AWS, Java, Go and NodeJS
  • Project estimate for project bidding
  • Project Managers asked me to work part time on C# & C++ projects (this one is hell, i cannot explain why)

So the timeline was:

2018 - Mid level

2019 - Senior level

2022 - Tech Lead

2023 - (Present)  Solutions Architect

Given on the scenario above. I would ask the community, how can I gauge my current salary to the market and make sure I am paid well for my skillset? Because I am limited based on the market value in the country I live. And I’m looking at US and AU right now and the market is paying there like crazy. For a solutions architect, it’s like 200K USD (annual) comp for US and 143K AUD (annual) for Australia. Do you think I can find a remote company that pays well based on their market if I stay in my country? Or do you suggest to look for a company that offers a relocation?

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Posted a month ago

Equity Pay Gap: Are women or everyone in general taking LOWER salaries (half) in this market?

Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community

Across 2-3 different slacks I saw positions targeted at women where the pay was something like $150K for these qualifications: 7+ years experience with a Master's to work on GenAI...and I'm like, why are we underpaying women software engineers WAY below market rate? The excuse I heard from one woman founder that posted this on Slack was that they didn't have the money as an early stage startup (understandable it usually is lower than FAANGMULA but this is pretty atrocious), and then another said they were a non-profit. But in general I'm worried that the pay bands for a lot of women engineers I am seeing job postings where the ranges are NOT where they should be and on the extreme low end by 30-50% lower.

Is it really that common that this market sucks so bad that women are taking less than half of a salary that was made in 2019 because "the market sucks right now and layoffs suck?" Meanwhile I can see in my feed complaints from non-technical staff at (former "writers" at Airbnb that they only made $500K a year annually and left last year to found their own consultancy to make even more than that).

What is up with this, why are the pay bands for women that much lower? And overall some people have commented pay bands in general are that much lower and that people are only taking HALF the salaries just to keep healthcare because they don't want to get a retail job or something or sell their plasma (yes all true stories I've heard from people ranging from a PhD (in Physics) who took two years to become an iOS developer that worked at a car wash for 2 years and other recruiters laid off at FAANGMULA that sold their plasma to survive).

This makes me angry and what is wrong with the world? Is this for real the market that we are in?

Should we be applying to roles that don't even list paybands or salary only to find out that we think we should be making like 300K with 8+ years experience or something like at an L4 or L5, only to find out we should be paid like a college junior (BS)?

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Posted 2 months ago

Recent Stripe Interview for SSE position

Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community

Hi folks, I need your help to understand if any action can be taken from my side here.

I gave Stripe interviews recently for SSE (Bangalore) and here is the feedback I received.

Round1 (LLD) - Strong yes

Round2 (Bug Squash) - No

Round3 (Integration Round) - yes

Round4 (Systems Design) - Strong yes

Round5 (Manager Round) - yes

I am aligned with this feedback except Round 2 (Bug Squash). I thought I had a strong yes in that. I was very easily able to navigate the code, find out the bug, fix it, and explain it. We were left with 15 more minutes so she gave me another bug to solve. I reached halfway on that, was able to partially figure out the bug. Didn't solve it but I think the expectation is to solve just one bug.

I have communicated the above with HR with a positive outlook.

Also, I felt that the interviewer wasn't very present and interested from the beginning so I think that the interviewer hasn't given much thought to this.

Current status: They have sent the case to the hiring committee for SSE but the HR mentioned that I might get downleveled. But I have been pretty vocal that I want to be considered for SSE only. Another factor she mentioned is I have a borderline work ex of 5.5/6 years so that might also contribute to this.

I asked the HR if I could reinterview for this round but she mentioned that's not possible and is not part of company policy.

Anything that I can do here?

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Posted 3 months ago

What's the best time to ask for a raise?

Senior Software Engineer at Series C Startup profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Series C Startup

Hey folks,

I'm currently facing a tough decision - whether to ask for a raise at my current company. I am unsure if it's the right time to do so or not. Here's a little context to help you understand my situation

My timeline in the company:

  • In 2023
    • I joined the company as a Sr SWE II (L4)
    • I joined the company nine months ago on August 23'
    • I made it to the second review cycle of the year (mid-October), and I got a "Consistently meeting expectations." My manager then said that he was very impressed that I managed to get so much done in that short time and that he could see strong signs of a Staff Engineer (L5) in me.
    • I shipped the most important project in Q4, 2023, on time. I even ended up as the technical lead of that project (the Staff engineer in that project got pip-ed, but that's another story)
  • In 2024:
    • I mentored a Sr SWE I (L3) on her first project as a lead.
    • I'm the lead of the web working group
    • I'm interviewing candidates almost on a weekly basis
    • I'm one of the owners of the Design System initiative
    • I just got a "Consistently exceeding expectations" in our current review cycle. I've been praised for how easy it is to work with me, my technical quality, my communication skills, and my thoughtful PR reviews. And that I should keep working on my influence across the organization.

How things are right now:

  • My previous manager quit to join another startup, and I got an interim manager (we're hiring another manager for my team)
  • I ended up talking about salary adjustments with my previous manager the other day (there, I didn't ask for a raise; it was just a casual conversation). He told me that the company does a compensation review every January and that I wasn't considered for the one that happened in January 2024 because I didn't join earlier than July 2023.
  • The next performance review will happen in mid-Oct 2024.
  • I will be leading a new tiger team (6 engs) until the end of Q2.

Questions I have right now:

  • Is this the right time to ask for a raise?
  • I've never asked for a raise.
  • I know for a fact that an L3 has a pretty similar (<5%) salary to me, and I know that another L4 has a >5% salary than me.
  • Should I wait until I finish this new project, the next performance review, or my first anniversary?
  • We're in the hockey stick growth stage.
  • I also really like working here, and the market has been bad lately.


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Posted 5 months ago