Ask Me Anything (AMA) with a Disney Eng Director - Greg Benson

Event details
Ask Me Anything (AMA) with a Disney Eng Director - Greg Benson event
Event description

Greg Benson is the Director of Engineering at Disney Streaming.

Previously, he was the Engineering manager at Google, where he worked from 2017 - 2021. Prior to that, he was a manager at Netflix.

In this Ask Me Anything (AMA), Greg will answer all your questions about growing in an Engineering management career! Some of the topics Greg can address are:

  • Why should or shouldn't I become an EM?

  • How did you grow from IC into EM?

  • What were the unexpected things after transitioning into EM?

  • Which qualities are the most important for EM?

  • How do I become a better manager?

  • Which managers are promoted?

  • What do engineering directors expect from their reports?

  • What to discuss during skip-level 1:1s with your director?

This AMA is part of the cohort-based course "How to Become a Great Manager" which starts Dec 5, but all Taro Premium members are invited to join this session.