Collaborative Resume Review Meetup #14

Event details
Collaborative Resume Review Meetup #14 event
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Event description

If you don't have a Taro Premium membership, you can get it with a discount using Chad's special link here:

This is a resume meetup to collaboratively review resumes in small groups.

Here's how it works:

  • People take turns sharing their resume in the call as a presentation.
  • People give feedback on the resume (5-7 minutes).
  • We will try to get through everyone's resume. We plan to do it on a first-come, first-serve basis for fairness

Please go through the entire resume course before attending this event to get maximum value: [Course] Get More Interviews: Write A Stellar Resume As A Software Engineer

If we aren't able to go through all the resumes, follow up in the #job-searchers-accountability-group channel.

Here's some additional resume optimization resources: