Group Office Hours With Alex - Adapting Quickly To New Tech And Environments

Event details
Group Office Hours With Alex - Adapting Quickly To New Tech And Environments event
🎥 This event was not recorded. ❌
Event description

One of the hardest things about succeeding in tech is that you can never really "prepare" for it: You always need to be evolving on the fly.

That's what I'll be talking about in this Group Office Hours. Come ask me questions about:

  • Onboarding effectively at a new team or company
  • Learning new tech stacks
  • Adapting in the age of AI

As a reminder, this session will not be recorded. Group Office Hours are a private, communal way to get the personalized career advice you need.

Before coming to this session, please spend at least ~30 minutes going through the following resources:

Event speaker
Profile picture
Alex ChiouTech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero