Operate Like An Engineering Leader (Cohort-Based Course)

Event details
Operate Like An Engineering Leader (Cohort-Based Course) event
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Event description

This course will deconstruct Engineering Leadership into a series of tangible skills, taught by a former Head of Engineering, Casey Dai.

Break down vague concepts into micro-skills you can deliberately practice, just like coding. There’s a false dichotomy between “hard” skills vs. “soft” skills. Let’s take the guesswork out of this and diversify your skillset the right way.

Just like when we first ventured into tech, we're looking for a roadmap outlining a series of concrete skills and concepts, so that we can learn our first coding language and eventually become skilled engineers. The same is possible for engineering leadership even though the underlying skills and concepts are more abstract and loosely defined.

This course will streamline the entire process and make things more predictable – designed to be interactive and take you out of your comfort zone.

Additionally, we’ll clarify what NOT to do by stepping through several case studies and leadership archetypes ranging from mediocre to downright ugly.

Many of these underlying principles, concepts and techniques were what helped Casey progress from a non-traditional background to the Head of Engineering at an accelerated pace.

This course will have value for much longer than the 2 weeks of live sessions.

Each student will receive a complementary Taro Premium membership ($400 value) to expand your network and stay connected to course members.

Who Will Get Maximum Value From This Course

Senior engineers looking to overcome a career plateau. Know what's within your control to grow your career.

Engineering managers looking to scale their impact while preventing burnout. Be productive without feeling overwhelmed.

Experienced leaders looking for an edge and level up their strategic thinking. Small advantages compound into big wins over time.

About Casey

Casey is the Founder of Expanded Skills, a provider of tech leadership training and consulting for experienced engineering practitioners.

Over the past decade, Casey has taken an unconventional approach to career growth. Entering the tech industry with a non-traditional background, Casey went on to become Head of Engineering at two F500 companies.

Casey’s Background:

  • Finance at P&G worked on a 9-figure product portfolio straight out of school

  • Engagement Manager at Accenture, first data scientist in Canada’s Innovation Hub

  • Top-rated instructor at Brainstation, the first to teach their AI/ML curriculum

  • Head of Engineering at two F500 companies, scaled teams and helped 100s of engineers grow their careers

  • Currently building Expanded Skills to help others grow their careers while staying aligned with the work they enjoy.

Casey’s Recent Talks on Engineering Leadership

Casey's Talk on Navigating Pivotal Points In Your Tech Career on Taro

Casey's Responses to Community Questions on Taro

Casey’s LinkedIn

Course Overview

This course consists of 6 hours of live classes, sessions from 5:30pm - 7:00pm PT / 8:30 - 10:00pm ET on the following 4 days:

  • Tuesday, January 23, 2024

  • Thursday, January 25, 2024

  • Tuesday, January 30, 2024

  • Thursday, February 1, 2024

Additionally, on Saturday, January 27, 10:00am - 11:00am PT / 1:00pm - 2:00pm ET, Casey will host an AMA Office Hours. Attendance is optional.

Over the span of 2 weeks, we’ll cover:

Section 1: Demystify Engineering Leadership

  • Understand how the “rules of the game” change at various career levels

  • Adaptations needed to your mindset and skillsets when moving into engineering leadership

  • Build a gameplan around what companies value in engineering leaders

Section 2: Spot Opportunities Worth Pursuing

  • Learn the characteristics of high-impact opportunities

  • Gain exposure to engineering leadership problems early in your career

  • Evaluate tradeoffs and make interventions that have a lasting impact

Section 3: Make Quality Decisions Under Uncertainty

  • Avoid common pitfalls when making strategic decisions

  • Apply strategic thinking and mental models to navigate ambiguity and complexity

  • Understand the core concepts behind a robust decision-making framework

Section 4: Stay Competitive Over A 40+ Year Career

  • How to thrive when there are constant changes and chaos in the tech industry

  • Identify and develop the fundamentals to future-proof your skillset

  • Adopt learning strategies to stay ahead of the curve without burning out

[Bonus] For the first 10 people to enroll, Casey will:

  • Personalize your onboarding and suggest optional pre-work so that you can get the maximum value from the course

  • Provide a 1-1 coaching session after the course ends to develop a plan for putting the concepts learned into practice

If you have further questions about this course, please email: casey@expandedskills.com

After enrolling, you will receive:

  • Calendar invites to each of the 4 sessions.

  • A code to redeem one year of Taro Premium if you're not part of it.

  • An invitation to the exclusive Slack channel with other course attendees.