Revamping Oncall For 20 Instagram Engineers - Senior to Staff Project

Event details
Revamping Oncall For 20 Instagram Engineers - Senior to Staff Project event
Event description

In this Taro Premium session, Alex will be talking about how he completely redesigned the entire oncall system for the 20 Instagram mobile engineers in his organization. He'll cover:

  • How he got buy-in for the project
  • Working through others to bring the changes to both iOS and Android
  • What a good oncall looks like in general and how he picked up this wisdom from scratch
  • Rolling out the oncall and measuring impact

Oncall is one of the most important systems in any engineering organization, so definitely join us if you can make it! After the core presentation, Alex will be taking questions afterwards.

If you want to learn more about healthy oncalls right now, check out these resources here:

Event speaker
Profile picture
Alex ChiouTech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero