Taro Book Club: Designing Data Intensive Applications - Chapter 1

Event details
Taro Book Club: Designing Data Intensive Applications - Chapter 1 event
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Event description

Book: Designing Data Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann

For the details on how to get the book for free as a Taro Premium member, check out the #taro-bookclub channel.

Topic: Chapter 1 - Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Applications


  1. Kick off and introduction to bookclub - 5 min
  2. Discussion on the format and other rules related to the book club - 25 min
  3. Chapter 1 discussion - 30 min

As this is our first session, we can have a discussion and arrive at a consensus on the format, hence a longer 60 min session. We will also share a feedback form at the end of the session where you can add your thoughts.

For information around how to maximize your learning from reading:

Event speaker
Profile picture
Bhavana GannuSoftware Engineer @ StockX