Taro Book Club: Designing Data Intensive Applications - Chapter 2 (Data Models and Query Languages)

Event details
Taro Book Club: Designing Data Intensive Applications - Chapter 2 (Data Models and Query Languages) event
Event description

Topic: Chapter 2 - Data Models and Query Languages

In this #taro-bookclub discussion, we'll go over Chapter 2 of the book "Designing Data-Intensive Applications" by Martin Kleppmann. This chapter is about Data Models and Query Languages and will provide good mental models to think about Relational vs Document Models, Graph Data Models and various types of Query Languages.

Here's the agenda:

  • We’ll break down and discuss the key concepts from Chapter 2.
  • There will also be time for any questions and answers you might have.

Please send your questions ahead of time to Ankur Agrawal (eventually-consistent) in the Taro Premium Slack, so that they can be included in the discussion.

Get ready for our second session on this engaging and informative book!

If you don't have a Taro Premium membership, you can get it at a discount with Ankur's special link here: https://www.jointaro.com/r/eventu507/