How To Tell If A Layoff Is Coming At Your Company

Layoffs are scary and are often a complete surprise. This video covers some of the warnings signs you can use to predict if a layoff is coming and start preparing for interviews accordingly.

Here are the core points:

  • For public companies, the most obvious sign is a struggling stock price
  • In general, stagnant growth is bad
  • Mass hiring freezes are a common precursor to big layoffs
  • Trimmed perks and a more somber, frugal mood among leadership are other signs
  • You can also listen through the "grapevine" but be careful
    • Blind in particular is quite flaky. Blind correctly predicted the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 layoffs, but it also incorrectly predicted 18 other layoffs
    • In general, treat online rumors with a massive grain of salt, and it's probably best to just stay away from them. There's no need to add a bunch of unnecessary stress to your life

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