I got rejected over a design netflix question for an EM role at Meta

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Head of Engineering at Series B Startup6 months ago

Can someone be able to give me specific feedback on how i should improve? the recruiter wasn't able to do so.

here's the design i came up with, he specifically didn't want to discuss uploading of movies only streaming, recommendations, user management


many thanks in advance!



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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    6 months ago

    I'm confused - Where are the technology choices for each individual part of the stack? I see Elastic Search as an indexing layer but nothing for DB choice for instance.

    I also don't see any mention of resolution splitting for media (store media at different resolutions and stream the proper version based on user bandwidth). At Meta, all interviews will expect you cover that as Meta serves a ton of developing countries (I had to do that in my system design interview).

    Zooming out, the design itself usually isn't what fails the candidate - It's the quality of conversation surrounding it. I would try to remember what parts of the interview felt more contentious - Were there any questions about your design your struggled to fulfill?

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      Engineering Manager [OP]
      Career break
      6 months ago

      Thanks for your response Alex, appreciate it.

      Yes I did not reflect the tech choices for the db although I did briefly explain the user of NoSQL for video metadata and SQL for user metadata.

      Elasticsearch here was used to update the watch count index to search for most watched videos. I did explain the adaptive segment needed to stream but didn't draw it out. I didn't mention the protocols used.

      I did not highlight recommendations in the functional requirements but interviewer wanted to deep dive into it. Im guessing this is where I fell short, I haven't had much experience in it and didn't read up as thoroughly.

      To you point of overall, I thought I did ok, because I didn't get a lot of pointers from the interview and I did not struggle because he nodded his head throughout so I felt I was on the right path. I know I could've improved here so im seeking feedback to learn and move forward from this. I did pass their initial phone screen round on system design, this was the last interview. Also interviews started 6 mins late and we ended at 35 mins, he did not have more questions and asked me for questions.

      The recruiter mentioned she could not provide any specific feedback.

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    Staff Eng @ Google, Ex-Meta SWE, Ex-Amazon SDM/SDE
    6 months ago

    Was this a single “phone screen” round, and they did design? If not, wasn’t there like 4-5 interviews, and this was one?

    I’m asking because design as prescreen isn’t normally what I see, and you have determined that issues with this particular interview are what sunk you. Maybe they do a “plug pull” amongst the regular rounds and tell you? Just not my experience.

    Other have commented on the design, and I do agree how you discussed this was likely as much a factor as the written design. I had an interview Friday and some things that are “standard” in design interviews I will admit I had forgotten. Essentially I haven’t had a choice in data stores in a long, long time. I can certainly let distinguish between an in-memory, KV store, a cached + persistent KV store, a document database, a block store, an RDBMS, cold storage, data lake/analytics… but I really haven’t been like “hm, for caching should I use X or Y” in a long time because Google, Meta, and Amazon sort of… have that decided in most cases. Is CouchDB good? Or rather, what workload(s) is it good for? I had to say outright that I knew what it was roughly, but hadn’t evaluated it.

    I hope my API design, my general system blocking, determine what needed to come from live sources, what could have a short TTL cache, what could have a long TTL cache, what was to be done on the server versus client, etc, and my honing in on unspoken requirements (upsells) was good enough.

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      Engineering Manager [OP]
      Career break
      6 months ago

      Yes I already pass a phone screen round (behavioural + system design (ticketmaster)) and I then had 5 on-site interviews after. They asked for one more follow interview for more signal in system design. I was told my phone screen design was exceptional, but they wanted one more round, that's why i know this netflix design sunk me.

      so i'm a bit bummed after 8 rounds to get a reject.

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      Staff Eng @ Google, Ex-Meta SWE, Ex-Amazon SDM/SDE
      6 months ago

      I will just say “borderline” and “missing data” are different states and reasons for an additional round. Maybe they told you it was borderline, but it’s hard to deduce otherwise.

      Mostly I say this to say: it isn’t unreasonable to blame this last round. It also isn’t 100% the case. Being reflective is great, but you’re working from incomplete information/feedback. This may be a good design, but there were other things it didn’t “raise up” enough for an offer or to advance to next committee.

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      Engineering Manager [OP]
      Career break
      6 months ago

      Thanks for your thoughts Lee, appreciate you spending the time to respond.

      This was what I got from the recruiter as an explanation:

      I wanted to thank you for taking the time to interview with us! I just heard back from your follow-up interviewer and unfortunately, we will not be moving forward with an offer at this time. I am not able to provide specific feedback

      I don't know Meta process but I'd believe you to say perhaps I didn't deliver a top notch design so the margin for error was low and got rejected across perhaps my other round on DSA. The only other feedback I got was behavioral and people management was great.

      I'll have to do better. I'd just wish I don't have to wait a year for it and when I'd like to secure a job now.

      Thanks for all of your advice on Taro

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    Thoughtful Tarodactyl
    Taro Community
    6 months ago

    Checkout the https://www.hellointerview.com/learn/system-design/in-a-hurry/introduction

    This has a Youtube design and the article helps us understand the details of the components based on the level we are interviewing.

    Firstly, your design looks great and designing Netflix user management, and recommendations are not easy at least for my level

    • The architecture does not have any cache layers or database replicas. (You might have communicated but I could not notice them in the design)

    • The search service is missing. All I can see are ranking and video service

    • When you bring in Elastic Search we should be sure of how we are going to push the data to ElasticSearch. You can create an easy search service using the elastic search

    I hope you have spoken well about chunking/segmentation which plays a very key role.

    Here are my designs my designs. They are bad but just wanted to share
    - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BrqIE_t-e4cfYlO_jFHqVseA9ogQ0njK/view?usp=drive_link
    - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_F5KYUDb_tTBVL_fEuqDUoGANYiPr1OU/view?usp=drive_link

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      Engineering Manager [OP]
      Career break
      6 months ago

      Hi Thoughtful Tarodactyl,

      You are right that design was exactly what I followed. I just did not include the upload parts since he told me specifically focus on streaming to the user.

      Thanks for your comments, I'll probably like to redo my design and repost here for your feedback if possible covering the points you shared.

      Also the Google drive files I'm not able to access can you share? Thank you!

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    Engineering Manager [OP]
    Career break
    6 months ago

    Here's my revised design, any further suggestions for me?
