I have recently started at a new company (full-time) but remain interested in continuing to apply as I am uncertain about how much I can grow here. It has been less than 2 months and I would like to ask the community if it is wise to add this new company on my résumé for new applications. I presume I will have to explain (loosely in the least) anyway to interviewers what I am doing currently... There is not anything ‘toxic’ I am experiencing in particular, just that I want to keep looking.
Has anyone been in this situation before? Regardless, I would love some advice and (various) perspectives on how one might go about this discreetly (or at all). Thank you all in advance!
I would not add your current company to your resume -- 2 months is too short and, as you mention, it would raise questions that would waste valuable time in the interview.
The nuance is if you can frame your current experience as something you intended to be a short-term stint. (e.g. if you had a very specific project you wanted to accomplish or something like a fellowship with a non-profit).
As an aside: you've made the decision to continue interviewing, but it may be worth questioning if you want to continue paying this interview tax.
If you're at least somewhat happy at this new company, I'd wait until the 6 month mark before entertaining any interviews. This will give you the permission to simply focus on your current job, and that focus may create new growth opportunities that you don't see right now.
Very few people actually enjoy interviewing, so I don't want you to subject yourself to that unless you really are unhappy with this job!
You should definitely not put this experience on your resume. It will be a red-flag to recruiters as they will fear you jumping ship from their company after you join. They'll almost certainly ask you about it in the interview, and it's not fun playing defense for 50% of an interview.
As Rahul mentioned, interviewing is a huge mental tax and cognitive load. Unless things are going really wrong at your current company already, I would focus on onboarding effectively and crushing it there. Give it at least 6 months IMHO.