Mentioning my company during technical talks?

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Anonymous User at Taro Communitya year ago

I've been doing a couple of technical talks this year. Nothing fancy, but it's been a good time. I haven't really included an "About me" slide, but since everyone seems to do it I figure that I should do this as well for my next talk. My question is: should I mention the company that I work for? e.g. "I work at company ABC. A fantastic company where we do DEF. We're actually hiring so feel free to reach out" or something like that? My company know that I do these talks but it's been during my spare time. The tech talks is about the programming languages that I use at my job, but that's the only connection to my work otherwise.



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    Senior Software Engineer and Career Coach
    a year ago

    I think it kinda depends. For me, I don't necessarily want my company super involved with the outside stuff I'm doing or concerned that it will impact my work--so I keep a lower profile. Additionally, I wouldn't want any of my personal opinions to be tied to the company and backfire on them and it become a problem with HR for me.

    But if that is different for your situation and you're just educating on more "matter-of-fact" things like teaching a programming language, the harm seems minimal especially if you make the slide not a big deal and just a kind of "hey, by the way"

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    Senior DevOps Engineer
    a year ago

    Make sure you reach out to your companies legal department (or whoever's closes) before you do anything official.

    Once you add that company slide, you're presenting yourself as a representative of the company, and there's serious implications there.