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Rahul PandeyTech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei

Create An Onboarding Doc

The onboarding doc is a reference guide as you join the company. This document is literally designed for you, outlining your role + team, people to meet, and how you can get started. Generally, your manager will provide an onboarding doc for you, but you should feel free to augment or create your own if the doc is lacking. This is a great place to collaborate and deepen your relationship with your manager -- point out further areas of discussion.

Components of a good onboarding doc:

  1. Team charter (translated down from the company mission)

  2. Partner teams + people

  3. Expectations + milestones

    1. These should be clearly defined so it'll be clear if you achieved the expectation or not
  4. Project ideas with t-shirt sizing

  5. Engineering rubric or career matrix for your role, if one exists

Reference question: What should be part of an onboarding doc?