Group Office Hours With Rahul - Building An Engineering Brand Discussion

Event details
Group Office Hours With Rahul - Building An Engineering Brand Discussion event
Event description

For this office hours with Taro cofounder Rahul, we're going to be talking about a spicier tech topic: How to build a following as an engineering influencer.

Join us to learn how Rahul grew to 73,000+ subscribers on YouTube, 56,000+ followers on LinkedIn, and 11,000+ followers on Twitter.

We're going to cover:

  • Creating compelling content that does well on social media
  • Cultivating your fanbase and building up their loyalty towards you
  • Teaching in a way that's both effective and easily accessible

Before coming to this session, please spend at least ~30 minutes going through the following resources:

Event speaker
Profile picture
Rahul PandeyTech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei