It's a Big Tech Company with a lot of engineers. It has over 3000 employees and is based in SF.
It's not exactly great, but I don't think it's low enough to auto-reject the company. If you convert 3.7/5 to a 100% score, that's 74%. That's a C, which isn't too bad 😛
In general, take Glassdoor ratings and anonymous online data in general with a huge grain of salt. I've seen companies with low ratings that I personally think are great (Airbnb's rating tanked to below 4 pre-IPO due to some leadership issues) alongside companies with good ratings that I personally think suck.
At the end of the day, there are no shortcuts. You should definitely read the online data, but the highest quality signal comes from reverse-interviewing and leveraging your network as I talk about here:
Big Tech also isn't a monolith. At 3,000+ employees, you're going to have good teams, average teams, and garbage teams. That nuance can't be captured by a single rating number.
What's important is trends. If you see a common theme then take note of it.
Best would be to talk to engineers (especially Data Engineers, given your profile) and ask about their experience.