What are common limiting beliefs that you all believe software engineers have that aren't true that typically cause them to hold themselves back or causes them to not progress as quickly as they'd like?
I would assume that at each stage there are some beliefs that we have that cause us to not progress, I am currently most interested in SDE2->Senior, but would also be interested in hearing other common limiting beliefs to progress past senior as well!
Ooh, I'll share 3 that I've seen repeatedly in my career:
It'll take me X weeks to ramp up into a new codebase/technology.
Generally, people overestimate the amount of time it takes to know enough to be "dangerous" with a new technology. Be ok with being uncomfortable and then get stuff done. At most companies, this is very valuable, and you'll learn a lot more.
My manager won't like that I'm working on this project
Stop viewing your manager as an authority, and view them as a partner. You're responsible for your career growth, don't delegate that to your manager.
That person probably doesn't have time for me
If there's someone who can help you gain context, debug something, or provide valuable perspective, ask them for help. Of course, there's a proper way of asking for help, but don't assume that people are too senior/busy/important for you.
Just a few off the top of my head:
Common misunderstandings from aspiring big tech engineers wanting to start their own companies:
You may attract investments with those. You may have great appearances in interviews with journalists. Eventually, you need a great business to sustain a startup.
Just one, from 2->3.
I didn't work on it, it's not my problem.
One of the biggest difference from SDE2 and Senior is how widely you view issues as relevant. SDE2 tend to stick to their own ownership area, or their own project. Senior engineers more likely recognizes and brings attention to issues, technical or otherwise, as problems that needs to be addressed. It doesn't mean they need to personally fix it - often they are just starting a conversation about it - but they usually won't sweep things under the rug because it doesn't impact them personally.