I worked on mainly one project and there was a lot of issues with getting alignment on the actual scope and project itself which resulted in delays in the project. It is still a work in progress and hasnt been put into demo org or production yet. (was in a pm role not swe so unfortunately had a lot of dependencies) How do I make the most out of the presentation time ? Im finding that I have like 50 slides but I know I wont be able to go through all of it.
Definitely 50 is too much. Also find out if youre going to need to slot out time for a Q and A as well. I benchmark 1 minute per slide usually.
For the presentation
Start by answering the question, "What is the main point you want people to remember about your work?" People won't remember more than 2-3 things, so you've already lost if you're trying to communicate 10+ points.
Once you've identified the 1-2 takeaways, now you should create a story around it. From your very brief description of the internship, I'd propose 2 takeaways:
Also relevant: How to improve public speaking & your presentations?