Share your wins or fails of the week (March 4)

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Rahul Pandey (Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei)5 months ago

Led a meeting successfully, landed a promotion, or earned a certificate from a Taro course? Tell us!

Ghosted by a recruiter, feeling unproductive, or feeling FOMO as the price of Bitcoin skyrockets? Tell us about that too!



  • 6
    Profile picture
    Rahul Pandey [OP]
    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    5 months ago


    • Really encouraged by the positive reception to Taro courses and I'm excited to launch a few more! I'm doing a course about onboarding.
    • Received a few messages from people who shared they got promoted or an excellent performance rating, which always warms my heart 🥰


    • I've been dragging my feet on a YouTube video for almost a month now and I really just need to publish it.
    • 5
      Profile picture
      Rahul Pandey [OP]
      Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
      5 months ago

      Update here: I finally published the YouTube video. But it flopped HARD :( https://youtu.be/w2UGBsQB-fc

    • 2
      Profile picture
      Team Lead (people manager) at Mistplay
      5 months ago

      That sucks to hear - I watched it yesterday and thought it was awesome! It was a fun way to learn from real code examples and see that even future Staff engineers struggle at first

      5% growth on subscribers since a week or two ago seems not bad at least!

    • 2
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      Ex-Google Senior SWE • FE/Mobile -> BE/Distributed/AI
      5 months ago

      good job sending it out there. gotta love the iterative process!

  • 5
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    Ex-Google Senior SWE • FE/Mobile -> BE/Distributed/AI
    5 months ago


    • Feeling the most confident I've felt in awhile in technical phone screens
    • Signing up for Taro, meeting other Taro members at the Bay Area Meetup, and helping fellow Tarodactyls out on the forum 🍠


    • Getting rejected from an initial phone interview even though the interview went well
    • No responses from cold applications - I'm looking for referrals to Netflix and other companies if your company is hiring backend engineers.
    • Failing a mock system design interview - I'm looking for help here as well.
  • 6
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    Software Engineer @ Wikimedia Foundation
    5 months ago


    • fooling myself (again) that I can sleep late but still get up early and then getting up late to miss my personal AM time and jumping into work meetings in an irritable mood


    • shooting down negative, overly self-defensive thoughts and becoming more open and vulnerable during my 1:1s w/ manager
    • 0
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      SWE @ Govt
      5 months ago

      The fail is my perpetual reasoning, 2am crunchyroll isn't optimal

  • 4
    Profile picture
    Team Lead (people manager) at Mistplay
    5 months ago


    • I've had it on my mind to invest in Nvida for a while now. Every day that goes by it get's worse.


    • Had a great time meeting awesome folks in person at the Taro meetup in the bay area!
    • 1
      Profile picture
      Rahul Pandey [OP]
      Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
      5 months ago

      So great to see you at the Bay Area meetup!

    • 1
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      Team Lead (people manager) at Mistplay
      5 months ago

      Thanks for the free boba 😃

  • 3
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    Taro Community
    5 months ago


    1. Two companies not moving forward after first round of interviews
    2. Meta phone screen went okay, I spent time explaining the solution as the interviewer asked me not to run the code, went overtime. Should have speed up the explaining part. Need more mock coding interview practice.
    3. Didn’t set my goals for interview prep since I was doing company focused preparation. Need to nail one topic completely to be prepared for any future interviews.


    1. Cleared two phone interviews and onsite coming up soon
    2. System design mock interview going well
    • 3
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      Ex-Google Senior SWE • FE/Mobile -> BE/Distributed/AI
      5 months ago

      Nice job clearing those interviews! Happy to help with a mock coding interview if you're interested.

  • 2
    Profile picture
    SWE @ Govt
    5 months ago


    • Did a talk at Google Melbourne w/ like 60 ppl-ish
    • Bought a sick cardigan at Uniqlo Sydney
    • Getting support from that search company for my non profit


    • What's a gym?

    • Sydney trip was a huge fail due to bad timing with many friends/business contacts