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Alex ChiouTech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero

How This Course Works

It is so easy to get completely overwhelmed as a software engineer with so many possible skills to learn. This video (and broader course) will solve that dilemma for you by explaining why code quality is the #1 skill for software engineers. Here are the core parts of the lesson:

  • Code quality is the technical foundation that helps you learn every other necessary skill as a software engineer, both the technical and non-technical ones
  • Your instructor Alex Chiou walks you through his extensive 10+ year Silicon Valley background across top companies like PayPal, Course Hero, Meta, and Robinhood, explaining how code quality was an integral part of his success (he was a Top 5% code committer + lander at Meta).
  • We go through the objectives of the course. By the end of the course, you will understand what good code looks/doesn't look like, have the proper mentality around improving your code, possess the tools to submit incredible pull requests, and be able to spot messy code patterns (so you can fix them).

If you want to learn how Alex built so many successful side projects with top reviews and 100,000+ users, check this out: [Case Study] Building An App With 1,000,000+ Users To Get Into Facebook