Working With Your Intern Manager

  • Meet with your intern manager (IM) at least every week for 30+ minutes. Anything less is a recipe for failure as your software engineer internship is so short.
  • Treat your IM as a resource, not a boss. They are there to help you. Don't be afraid to leverage them aggressively to unblock you.
  • The incentives align between you and your IM. They get rewarded substantially if you get the return offer, and it's rough for them if you don't. It's in everyone's best interests for you to get more from your IM.
  • Do not hide issues. If you have any sort of problem, whether it's a technical one or a mental/emotional one, share it with your IM. Learn to be vulnerable.
  • Ask for feedback every 2-3 weeks, don't just wait for mid-cycle. You can ask how you're trending rating-wise to get a clear picture. It is hard to course correct if you come out of mid-cycle with a poor rating.
  • Ask for feedback regularly and make it clear to your IM that you treat all feedback as a gift and you act on it fast (literally within a few hours/days).

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