Adapting As A Remote Intern

  • Learning speed is severely nerfed by remote work, which is awful for you as an intern since this is when learning speed is the most important. It's important to keep this mind as you navigate your internship.
  • Attend all team events, even the less formal ones (i.e. non-offsite) like team lunch. It's extremely important to build relationships and social capital in this environment where everyone is more isolated.
  • Have 2 to 3 1:1s with your non-intern manager peers.
  • Match the working hours of your team if you're in different time zones. It's absolutely vital that you always get blocked ASAP, and this is way harder when you're operating on a different time scale. This could be painful, but it will be worth it.
  • Do virtual coworking whenever you can. The idea is that everyone joins a video call and just works, no meeting agenda or anything. The idea is to mimic an in-person working environment as much as possible. This creates peer pressure for you to be productive and makes it seamless for you to ask for help (just say something on the call!).